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Big Group

Our first priority is to consistently and intentionally gather corporately as a church family to worship God in Spirit and truth. It is in the gathering that Jesus uniquely and supernaturally speaks and blesses His Church.

Small Group

A close second priority is to consistently and intentionally gather in Small Groups. This is the place where friendship with God and one another are made at a deeper level. It is where we grow in character and knowledge through God’s Word. Small Groups is where ministry to one another takes place and where outreach and missions participation is emphasized. We desire to be a church of small groups, not a church with small groups. The majority of meaningful spiritual growth comes through our relationships with each other. God intends to shape you into who He wants you to be through the relationships within His Church.


God has given all of us natural talents and spiritual gifts in order to build up His Church. We encourage everyone to use those gifts to serve one another.